Okay, so Its 7:45pm and I'm on the 1 train headed uptown on a Thursday evening, the Thursday before a long weekend, might I add - that's a mess in and of itself.
Its the perfect mesh of rush hour commuters, adventurous tourists, crying babies, annoying tweens and creepy old men(shoot me in the face)...all piled on top of one another like a raft out of Cuba. Whatever, I hustled a seat and proceeded to drown them out, God bless iTunes.
We're putt-puttin along, the occasional asshole holds up the process by sticking his foot in the door, the random tourist jump up at the last minute realizing its their stop - why carry maps if we're not going to use them? Finally we get to 96th st - the mecca of confusion (I swear people get dumb when they have options), and don't let that express train pull in on the opposite track, its every man for himself, fuck women and children. Anyway, train doors open but no ones getting off, which then means no one can get on (and why people try to shove in is beyond me).
So, I'm sitting there in my own little world, not worrying about who's shoving or being shoved and out of the corner of my eye (I was sitting by the door that connects the train cars) I see a guy jump from the platform on to the train, in between the doors. JUMP FROM THE PLATFORM!!! Maneuver the ropes and let himself on the train. Really, Mr. Trainhopper? Is getting on THIS train worth risking ur life? How crazy do you have to be to jump from a fucking platform on to a train? Needless to say everyone moved and made room for his crazy ass, who clearly has no fear - a mother fucker willing to jump from a platform is not someone you want to piss off - and the icing on the cake was that he was Latino! Yeah, I'm beginning to think we should just close the boarders.
It takes a lot to shock New Yorkers (and me!), but this was some shit. This was almost as exciting as the time I saw a man do a bump of coke on a train at 3 in the afternoon...hm, it was the same train line, come to think of it. Maybe I should look into a different route cause all of the crazies seem to have taken over the 1 line. I fucking love this city.